Thursday, February 4, 2010

Google Street View

maps Street View

Google Street View
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Google Street View

Google Street View is a feature of maps and earth that provides 360° panoramic street-level views and allows users to view parts of selected cities and their surrounding metropolitan areas at ground level. When it was launched on May 25, 2007, only five American cities were included. It has since expanded to hundreds of locations in the United States, France, Italy, Australia and Japan.

Google Street View displays photos that were previously taken by a camera mounted on a car, and can be navigated using either the arrow keys on the keyboard or by using a mouse to click on arrows displayed on the screen. Using these devices, the photos can be viewed in different sizes, from any direction, and from a variety of angles. Lines that are displayed along the street that is shown indicate the direction followed by that street view camera car.

By location

Google Street View was first introduced in the United States on May 25, 2007, and only covered areas of the United States until July 2, 2008. As of today, images can be seen in five countries. Introductions have generally occurred every 1-3 months, with a group of cities marked by camera icons being added each time. In some of the later introductions, other cities without such a marking have been added too.

United States

The United States was the first country to have Street View images and was the only country with images for over a year following introduction. Early on, most locations had a more limited number of views, usually contained to the city limits, and only including major streets, and they only showed the buildings up to a certain height. Few, if any suburbs or other nearby cities were included.

After the first few sets of introductions, image collections from cities added were more detailed, often including every side street, especially in areas closer to the center of the city. More suburbs and other nearby cities were included.

The views of cities added on one date have also been improved frequently on a later date, sometimes a date in which no additional cities were added. These have included the additions of streets in neighborhoods where previously, only main roads have been covered, expansions to more suburbs, and views to the sky where previously, only views to a certain height were provided.

Initially, when a group of cities were added, only those cities and their own suburbs would be a part of the image collection. But June 10, 2008 introductions also included cities in covered areas without camera icons, and isolated from any other camera icons. Many more cities were added without icons on August 4, when the only U.S. city added with an icon was New Orleans.


The first views anywhere outside the United States were introduced on July 2, 2008, when the Tour de France route was added. Nineteen camera icons, each indicating part of a French city or town and Cuneo, Italy were included.


On August 4, 2008, the long-anticipated image collection of Australia was introduced. At this time, the bulk of the populated areas of Australia were included in detail, with 18 camera icons.


Japan was also introduced on August 4, 2008. Japan's coverage is currently concentrated in five areas with a total of 10 camera icons.

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